Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of PublicPages/CosmoRepo

Dec 14, 2017 10:17:59 AM (7 years ago)
Benjamin Alan Weaver



  • PublicPages/CosmoRepo

    v17 v18  
    2323First, data is copied from elsewhere to the staging area in preparation for processing.  Processed data is written to the work area.  After the processed data are finalized, they can be moved into a final `cosmo/data/{survey}/{release}/` directory. That area is restricted to the cosmo project user to ensure some level of consistency for the data written there.  This process should be viewed like SDSS data releases: the data are processed and organized elsewhere, and then when finalized (and only then) they are moved into the final data release directories, controlled by the cosmo user.  Once written and released, these data are frozen -- never updated nor removed.
    25 Here is the specific directory layout:
     25Here is the specific directory layout, rooted at `/global/project/projectdirs/cosmo`:
    27  /project/projectdirs/cosmo/staging/ :: This is the staging area.  Each survey has a directory under staging/.
    28  /project/projectdirs/cosmo/work/ :: This is the work area.  Each survey has a directory under work/.
    29  /project/projectdirs/cosmo/data/ ::  This directory is intended for final, static data releases. 
    30  /project/projectdirs/cosmo/www/ ::  This directory provides HTTP access to the repository.
    31  /project/projectdirs/cosmo/software/ ::  This is for software needed by the cosmo group.
    32  /project/projectdirs/cosmo/db/ :: Schema files and backups for NERSC-hosted databases.
     27 data/ ::  This directory is intended for final, static data releases. 
     28 etc/ :: Files needed to support http operations, etc.
     29 metadata/ :: Data related to monitoring file size, permissions, etc. of data in this directory tree.
     30 software/ ::  This is for software needed by the cosmo group.
     31 staging/ :: This is the staging area.  Each survey has a directory under staging/.
     32 webapp/ :: Web applications, like the [ DECaLS image viewer] have files here.
     33 work/ :: This is the work area.  Each survey has a directory under work/.
     34 www/ ::  This directory provides HTTP access to the repository.
    3436== Cosmo User Account ==