Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of PublicPages/MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers

Jan 7, 2016 7:07:02 PM (8 years ago)
Arjun Dey



  • PublicPages/MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers

    v32 v33  
    4545**[wiki:MayallZbandLegacy/NightlyStrategy Detailed instructions for NightlyStrategy]
    47 '''Updated 13 Dec 2015'''
    49 Do the following to update the current NMSL scripts at any time.
    51         - login to mayall-idl as mzls
    52         - cd products/mosaic3
    53         - mkdir 2015dec13
    54         - python py/ -t obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits -d 2015-12-13 -p 1 -pass 1 --moon-sep-limit 50 --start-date 2015-12-14 --start-time 02:00:00 --end-time 13:00:00-seez 1.15 -sbz 18.45 --dir 2015dec13
    56 Rename the script, so we don't overwrite it later:
    58        mv mosaic_2015-12-13_plan.json mosaic_2015-12-13_plan1.json
    59        mv strategy_2015-12-13.txt strategy_2015-12-13_plan1.txt
    61 The mosaicstrategy script outputs a JSON file (e.g., mosaic_2015_12-13_plan.json in the above example). In order to produce the execution script for NOCS, run Behzad Abareshi's script:
    63        python ./py/ --in mosaic_2015-12-13_plan1.json --out
    65 Then copy this output (e.g., to the exec directory of the observer account on the mosaic3 computer (observer@mosaic3:/home/observer/exe)
    66 which is cross-mounted as follows:
    68       cp /mosaic3/exec
    70 Start uptiles running in an IDL window on mayall-idl; this will always use the most up-to-date version of the mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits file. Once this finishes running (usually a couple of minutes), in a nocs terminal window on mosaic3, cd to exec and execute the script:
    72         ~/exec> ./
    74 = Instructions and details for =
    75 '''written by A. Patej''' 
    77 is a Python script that can generate a nightly observing plan. It requires several Python modules:
    78     - numpy
    79     - pylab (Matplotlib)
    80     - ephem (Pyephem)
    81     - pyfits
    83 The code is adopted from the DecamLegacy project. See those [wiki:DecamLegacy/NotesforObservers wiki pages] for more information.
    85 === Selection of Pass 1, 2, or 3 ===
    87 It is '''very important''' to adhere to the strategy of when to observe pass 1, 2, or 3 tiles,
    88 in particular that pass 1 tiles are always in photometric good-seeing conditions.
    89 The overall strategy is outlined at [[wiki:MayallZbandLegacy/ObservingStrategy]]].
    91 The strategy is as follows:
    92  * **Pass 1:** Photometric and seeing < 1.3 arc sec
    93  * **Pass 2:** Photometric or seeing < 1.3 arc sec, or all Pass 1 tiles completed
    94  * **Pass 3:** Unphotometric and seeing > 1.3 arc sec, or all Pass 1 and Pass 2 tiles completed
    95 These need not be observed in any particular order, e.g. pass 3 observations can certainly
    96 occur before pass 1.
    98 If conditions change, then you should definitely change to a different pass.
    99 For example, if clouds begin to roll in, you should stop any pass 1 observations right away!
    101 === Running the script ===
    103 At a minimum, the script can be run with these inputs:
    105     -t *name of file with tile centers* [[BR]]
    106     -d *UT date at ''start'' of night in format yyyy-mm-dd* [[BR]]
    107     -p *portion of night (1.0, 0.5 (first half), -0.5 (second half))* [[BR]]
    108     -pass *desired pass - input 1, 2, or 3* [[BR]]
    109     --dir *name of the dir where the output scripts are located* [[BR]]
    110 For instance, to generate a pass 3 plan for the entire night of April 26, 2015, run:
    111 {{{
    112 python ./ -t moasic-tiles_obstatus.fits -d 2015-04-26 -p 1.0 -pass 3 --dir obsScripts
    113 python ./py/ --in mosaic_2015-04-26_plan.json --out
    114 }}}
    116 Additional optional arguments:
    117 1. Observing conditions: [[BR]]
    118    -sb(f) *sky brightness in filter f; replace (f) = g, r, or z* in mag/sqarcsec [[BR]]
    119    -see(f) *seeing in filter f; replace (f) = g, r, or z* in arcsec [[BR]]
    120    -transparency *value of the transparency* (0-1.0) [[BR]]
    122 2. Observing constraints: [[BR]]
    123    --airmass-limit *maximum allowed airmass, default is 2.3* [[BR]]
    124    --moon-sep-limit *minimum allowed moon separation, default is 50.0 deg* [[BR]]
    125    --moon-alt-limit *moon altitude in deg required for switching between z and g,r* [[BR]]
    126    --min-dec *Declination minimum limit for choosing tiles [[BR]]
    127    --max-dec *Declination maximum limit for choosing tiles [[BR]]
    129 3. Custom Scheduling: [[BR]]
    130   It's possible to create a plan for a specific block of time. To do so, use the following options:[[BR]]
    131   --start-date *Date of start of observations (UTC) in format yyyy-mm-dd; overrides the default start of night, which is calculated using --date and --portion. Requires --start-time to also be set* [[BR]]
    132   --start-time *Time of start of observations (UTC) in format hh:mm:ss; overrides the default start of night, which is calculated using --date and --portion. Requires --start-date to also be set*[[BR]]
    133   --end-date *Date of end of observations (UTC) in format yyyy-mm-dd; overrides the default end of night, which is calculated using --date and --portion. Requires --end-time to also be set*[[BR]]
    134   --end-time *Time of end of observations (UTC) in format hh:mm:ss; overrides the default end of night, which is calculated using --date and --portion. Requires --end-date to also be set*[[BR]]
    137 More complicated example using these options: [[BR]]
    138 Assuming 18.2 as z-band sky brightness, 1.2" seeing in z and 1.0" seeing in r, photometric conditions (pass 1) and allowing a moon separation of 50 deg and including DESI tiles:
    139 {{{
    140 python ./ -t mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits -d 2015-04-26 -p 1.0 -pass 1 -sbz 18.2 -seer 1.0 -seez 1.2 --moon-sep-limit 50.0 --expand [[BR]]
    141 python ./py/ --in mosaic_2015-04-26_plan.json --out
    142 }}}
    144 Example using custom scheduling: [[BR]]
    145 To generate a plan for just two hours on the night that starts on 2015-04-26 between 05:00 and 07:00 UTC, and restricting the DEC range:
    146 {{{
    147 python ./ -t mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits -d 2015-04-26 -p 1.0 -pass 1 --start-date 2015-04-27 --start-time 05:00:00 --end-date 2015-04-27 --end-time 07:00:00 --min-dec=34 --max-dec=50 --moon-sep-limit 50.0 [[BR]]
    148 python ./py/ --in mosaic_2015-04-26_plan.json --out
    150 }}}
    152 === Outputs ===
    154 This script will output many data files to your current directory:
    156     1. a single text file called "strategy_mm-dd.txt", with information about all the pointings for the night (exp time, filter, approximately when they should be run, airmass, etc). There is a corresponding plot of what has been observed previously (by pass) and what you will be observing given the plan for the night: saved as a pdf, 'plot_plan_yyy-mm-dd.pdf' (gray = z, red = r, green = g). Planets and moon are plotted as well.
    158     2. many executable script files of the form "Mosaic_Survey<tile id>.sh" for the night corresponding to the plan. There is one script file for each pointing in the plan. A single meta-script is produced  that will call those ".sh" files: moasic_<ut date>
    160    3. A FITS file called "mosaic-tiles_obstatus_update_yyyy-mm-dd.fits" that is a temporary updated mosaic obstatus file that assumes all planned observations were completed. This should not be used during the run; instead use the updated tiles file obtained from running the idl program, uptiles (see section on "Creating the Updated Observing Status File" below).
    162 = Updating the "observed tiles" file =
    164 The FITS file listing which tiles have been completed should be updated throughout the night.
    165 This file is '''$MOS3_OBS/obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits'''.  The following IDL command
    166 will monitor exposures as they are taken throughout the night, automatically updating this file:
    167 {{{
    168    IDL> muptiles
    169 }}}
    171 At the end of the night, you should check the updated tile file into the svn repository:
    172 {{{
    173    cd $MOS3_OBS/obstatus
    174    svn commit obstatus/mosaic-tiles_obstatus.fits --username <YOUR-NAME>
    175 }}}
    177 = Checking the Sky Brightness, Seeing and Transparency  =
    179 The observing strategy files take as input these environmental conditions for
    180 setting the exposure times to achieve the required MzLS survey depth.
    182 From an IDL prompt, use the MOSSTAT routine to analyze the latest image on disk:
    183 {{{
    184    IDL> mosstat
    185 }}}
    186 There are keyword options that allow you to choose different exposure numbers or CCDs
    187 within that exposure.  For example, to analyze chip 'im16' of the exposure number 12345, type:
    188 {{{
    189    IDL> mosstat, 12345, ext='im16'
    190 }}}
    191 The full documentation can be seen with:
    192 {{{
    193    IDL> doc_library,'mosstat'
    194 }}}
    196 If the telescope pointing has gone off by more than about 30 arcsec (which happens!), then
    197 this routine will likely fail to match stars.  If this happens, the operator will need to recenter the telescope.
    199 One can also check the observing progress using the almanac command:
    200   IDL> almanac, 10001, /noprint
    201 will print out a summary of all the frames from 10001 to the present in a nice tabular form (widen the window).  This is useful for checking how the seeing and sky brightness have varied since frame 10001, and whether  one should create and upload a new JSON observing script. The /noprint just prevents the decstat output for every frame; if you want to see that, then don't use the /noprint keyword.
    20348= Creating an almanac file with the observations for the night =