Changes between Version 87 and Version 88 of PublicPages/MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers

Feb 10, 2016 8:13:04 PM (8 years ago)
Knut Olsen



  • PublicPages/MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers

    v87 v88  
    105105Log into the mzls account on the mayall-idl machine.
    107 Update the code, log files and most importantly the tile file:
     107Update the code, log files and most importantly the tile file: (if people have been working on the code and tile file during the day, this step may not be necessary)
    109109cd ~/products/mosaic3
    1971972. Take 10 zero exposures [[BR]]
    1981983. Turn on low dome flat field lamps at 100% intensity (~50V) [[BR]]
    199 4. Create a dome flat script using the NGUI interface. Exposure times as follows: [[BR]]
     1994.  Create a test script using the NGUI interface to take a 5 second exposure through the zd filter.  Run this with in the exec/ directory, and check that the counts you receive are ~9000 ADU in the real-time display.  If they are much higher, you will want to adjust the lamp intensity or flat field exposure time to compensate. [[BR]]
     2005. Look for the script in the exec/ directory and run it if it exists.  You can also create your own dome flat script using the NGUI interface. Exposure times as follows: [[BR]]
    200201       z-band : 20 sec [[BR]]
    201202       r-band : 25 sec [[BR]]
    207208= [8] Just before observing =
    209 1. Start the automated script for updating the tile file
     2101. Start the may all-idl:1 VNC session.  This session should automatically start MUPTILES and MOSSTAT.  If it doesn't, open a terminal in the VNC session and start the automated script for updating the tile file:
    211212The FITS file listing which tiles have been completed should be updated throughout the night.
    2342351. Take a zero image to ensure everything is working
    235 2. At start of night, check telescope pointing and zero the telescope coordinates using a bright star placed on the telescope boresight (defined as the center of the mosaic3 focal plane).
    236 3. Move to the beginning of the first MzLS tile position
     2362. At start of night, check telescope pointing and zero the telescope coordinates using a bright star placed on the telescope boresight (defined as the center of the mosaic3 focal plane).  When taking the image of the bright star, make sure to create an OBJECT script with NGUI (not a TEST, because MOSSTAT will ignore it), zd filter, 1 - 5 sec exposure.  Watch for MOSSTAT to process the image and report the RA, Dec offsets.  Give these offsets to the OA with **opposite** sign.  You can take another OBJECT frame if you want to check to make sure the offset went in the right direction.
     2373. Move to the beginning of the first MzLS tile position.  What position is that, you ask?  One way to find out is to run (see step 5 below), and look for RA, DEC in in the exec/mosbot/ directory.  Tell these coordinates to the OA to move the telescope.
    2372384. Focus the telescope
    238  - create a focus script using the NGUI
     239 - create a focus script using the NGUI: exposure time 5 or 10 seconds, zd filter, -100 micron focus steps, click Midpoint to *on*, 9 exposures.
    239240 - run the focus script from the /home/observer/exec directory
    240241 - analyze the focus image using mscstarfocus
    241242    - edit the script to correct the name of the image that needs to be analyzed
    242     - mark about 10 stars around the image; mark the top star in each sequence using "m"; "q" to quit
     243    - mark about 10 stars around the image; to get a quick idea if you have covered the right focus range mark "g" on the top star in a sequence which will pop up a graph that you will need to type "q" to get out of; mark the top star in each remaining sequence using "m"; "q" to quit
    243244 - log the Truss temperature
    244  - set the telescope focus
     245 - set the telescope focus in the Configuration Monitor: Enter the value in Pedestal focus, **hit return**, and then hit Apply.  If you forget the return, it will do nothing.
    245246 - focus the guiders; this way you can use the guider images to monitor focus drifts
    259260See [wiki:MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers/MosBot]
     262Note that if you need to escape the script at some point during the night (see below), you will need to CTRL-C to stop and **restart** it when you are ready to start up again.  If you forget this, you will be observing tiles that you already observed earlier in the night.
    2612646. From the observer@mayall-3 xterm window, start taking exposures using the top-level observing script (
    277280See [wiki:MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers/Copilot]
    279 8. Monitor focus by checking the image quality on each frame. Keep track of the truss temperature variation and modify  the focus as needed. The Mayall has astigmatism, so one can tell from the shape of the images which way to move the focus.  To stop and do a focus sequence:
     2828. Monitor focus by checking the image quality on each frame. Keep track of the truss temperature variation and use the information to modify  the focus as needed. Note that the focus may not respond quickly to changes in temperature, so monitor the images carefully before adjusting focus.  The Mayall has astigmatism, so one can sometimes tell from the shape of the images which way to move the focus.  To stop and do a focus sequence:
    280283- Create a file to tell obsbot to quit
    285288- Run a focus sequence (DESCRIBE THIS)
    286289  - [wiki:MayallZbandLegacy/NotesforObservers/FocusInfo Example of a focus sequence]
    287 - Re-start the observing as described above.  *IMPORTANT* make sure to re-run `` so that you don’t repeat exposures from the beginning of the night!
     290- Re-start the observing as described above.  **IMPORTANT** make sure to re-run `` so that you don’t repeat exposures from the beginning of the night!
    289292Keep an eye on the CCD and dewar temps (should be around 173C and 90C respectively)