
DESI Trac Account Approval

Read Me First

DESI Trac accounts may be created for two different classes of people:

  1. DESI collaborators, i.e. full members of the collaboration.
  2. External collaborators, who need limited access for publication purposes.

If you intend to become a full DESI collaborator, you must read and follow these instructions, wait for approval, then continue with these instructions and read the after registration instructions.

If you intend to become an External collaborator, skip directly to these instructions, and be sure to read to the after registration instructions.

Becoming a DESI member requires two steps

  1. The first step is to fill out a membership form. You should ask your sponsor (who should be a DESI Participant, i.e., a faculty-level member of the collaboration) to provide you the necessary information from this web page (which only DESI members have access to) New Member instructions, or contact Rachel Bean (<rachel -- dot --bean --at-- cornell --dot-- edu>) if you are a potential Participant who wishes to join DESI.
  2. After your membership form has been approved, you should request access to the DESI Trac wiki (required for all members), following the instructions below.

DESI Trac Instructions

If you aren't already logged into this wiki, there will be a little red "Register" link on the upper right of this page.

Click that and follow the instructions below. Please make sure you follow all the instructions below to prevent delays or even rejection of your account.

  1. Fill out all the fields.
  2. Use a username that does not contain spaces. For example, JohnSmith is OK and so is John.Smith, but John Smith is not.1
  3. Your username should also not be an email address.1
  4. Your username should start with an alphabetical character. For example, 2cool4desi is not acceptable.1
  5. Your username must be at least five (5) characters in length. For example, john is invalid, but johns is OK.
  6. For your email address, use an institutional address, e.g., or You should use the same address you used for the membership form mentioned above, or for any External Collaborator materials. Do not use Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Your institutional affiliation is how we know whether you are allowed access.
  7. Please give us your full name.
    1. Please make sure your name includes a recognizable First and Last name, i.e. include a space between them.
    2. It is OK to use accented characters in your full name, if that's how you spell it, e.g., Jôhn Smíth. Just use UTF-8 characters though.

After Trac Registration

After you register there are additional vital steps to be granted access to DESI Trac:

  1. You should immediately receive a message from the DESI Trac system requesting verification of your email address. Please follow the instructions in that email. This will put your DESI Trac account into a state where it is ready to be approved. If you do not receive this email immediately, please notify the New Member Coordinator at the address below.
  2. The membership request process was updated in June 2020. If you applied to join DESI via the earlier (Trac-first process), you should have been sent an email with further instructions that must be followed before your account can be approved. However, if you have not yet filled out the DESI Membership Form, please use the new form (with link from above provided by your sponsor). It is important to answer all the questions on that form, including those on both the service tasks to enable DESI which you will undertake and the DESI research you plan to do. If you are a sponsored member unfamiliar with DESI, we suggest you discuss your answers for these questions with your sponsor before filling out the form (new sponsored members of the collaboration are given a one-year grace period to identify service tasks). Your sponsor should review the New Member instructions to assist this process.
  3. The Trac account must be reviewed and approved by the New Member Coordinator. This takes a finite amount of time, given personal schedules, weekends, holidays, vacation, etc.

If you intend to become a full DESI collaborator, and you have questions or concerns about your account approval, please contact the co-chair of the Membership Committee, Ramon Miquel <rmiquel --at-- ifae --dot-- es> and/or the New Member Coordinator, Gongbo Zhao <gbzhao --at-- nao --dot-- cas --dot-- cn>. In particular, please inform the chair right away if you are not affiliated with a DESI institution, are unsure, or are moving to another institution soon.

If you intend to become an External collaborator, and you have questions or concerns about your account approval, please contact the DESI collaborator you are working with, who can then contact the DESI External Collaborator Committee.

The DESI Membership Committee reserves the right to delete, without notice, accounts that do not follow these rules or do not represent an eligible DESI member or External Collaborator <desi-xcc --at-- desi --dot-- lbl --dot-- gov>.


  1. Some non-alphanumeric characters (and especially spaces and '@' symbols) will cause problems with other systems linked to your Trac account, such as svn.

Last modified 5 months ago Last modified on Sep 19, 2024 9:41:55 AM