Changes between Version 39 and Version 40 of PublicPages/AccountApproval

Oct 18, 2021 10:24:08 AM (3 years ago)
Benjamin Alan Weaver



  • PublicPages/AccountApproval

    v39 v40  
    2323 1. You should immediately receive a message from the DESI Trac system requesting verification of your email address.  Please follow the instructions in that email.  This will put your DESI Trac account into a state where it is ''ready'' to be approved.  ''If you do not receive this email immediately, please notify Axel de la Macorra at the address below.''
    2424 1. The membership request process was updated in June 2020.  If you applied to join DESI via the earlier (Trac-first process), you should have been sent an email with further instructions that must be followed before your account can be approved.  However, if you have not yet filled out the DESI Membership Form, please use the new form (with link from above provided by your sponsor).  **It is important to answer all the questions on that form**, including those on both the service tasks to enable DESI which you will undertake and the DESI research you plan to do.  If you are a sponsored member unfamiliar with DESI, we suggest you discuss your answers for these questions with your sponsor before filling out the form (new sponsored members of the collaboration are given a one-year grace period to identify service tasks). Your sponsor should review the [wiki:NewMembers New Member instructions] to assist this process.
     25 1. The Trac account must be reviewed and approved by the New Member Coordinator.  This takes a finite amount of time, given personal schedules, weekends, holidays, vacation, etc.
    2627If you have questions or concerns about your account approval, please contact the co-chair of the Membership Committee, Jeff Newman <janewman --at-- pitt --dot-- edu> and/or the New Member Coordinator, Axel de la Macorra <a.macorra -- at -- gmail -- dot --com>.  In particular, please inform the chair right away if you are not affiliated with a DESI institution, are unsure, or are moving to another institution soon.