Changes between Version 42 and Version 43 of PublicPages/AccountApproval

May 12, 2023 8:46:29 AM (20 months ago)
Shaun Cole



  • PublicPages/AccountApproval

    v42 v43  
    1717== Becoming a DESI member requires two steps ==
    19  1. '''The first step is to fill out a membership form. You should ask your sponsor (who should be a DESI Participant, ''i.e.'', a faculty-level member of the collaboration) to provide you the necessary information from this web page (which only DESI members have access to) [wiki:NewMembers New Member instructions], or contact Jeff Newman (<janewman --at-- pitt --dot-- edu>) if you are a potential Participant who wishes to join DESI.'''
     19 1. '''The first step is to fill out a membership form. You should ask your sponsor (who should be a DESI Participant, ''i.e.'', a faculty-level member of the collaboration) to provide you the necessary information from this web page (which only DESI members have access to) [wiki:NewMembers New Member instructions], or contact Rachel Bean (<rachel -- dot --bean --at-- cornell --dot-- edu>) if you are a potential Participant who wishes to join DESI.'''
    2020 1. '''After''' your membership form has been approved, you should request access to the DESI Trac wiki (required for all members), following the instructions below.
    4242 1. The Trac account must be reviewed and approved by the New Member Coordinator.  This takes a finite amount of time, given personal schedules, weekends, holidays, vacation, etc.
    44 If you intend to become a full DESI collaborator, and you have questions or concerns about your account approval, please contact the co-chair of the Membership Committee, Jeff Newman <janewman --at-- pitt --dot-- edu> and/or the New Member Coordinator, Axel de la Macorra <a.macorra -- at -- gmail -- dot --com>.  In particular, please inform the chair right away if you are not affiliated with a DESI institution, are unsure, or are moving to another institution soon.
     44If you intend to become a full DESI collaborator, and you have questions or concerns about your account approval, please contact the co-chair of the Membership Committee, Ramon Miquel <rmiquel --at-- ifae --dot-- es> and/or the New Member Coordinator, Arman Shafieloo <shafielo -- at -- kasi -- dot -- re -- dot --kr>.  In particular, please inform the chair right away if you are not affiliated with a DESI institution, are unsure, or are moving to another institution soon.
    4646If you intend to become an External collaborator, and you have questions or concerns about your account approval, please contact the DESI collaborator you are working with, who can then contact the DESI External Collaborator Committee.