Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of PublicPages/Contacts

Jun 20, 2014 6:02:02 PM (11 years ago)
David Schlegel



  • PublicPages/Contacts

    v12 v13  
    124124   * Brenna Flaugher
    126 == Institutional Board ==
    128 * Interim institutional board:
     126== Interim Institutional Board ==
     127* [ University of the Andes, Columbia] - Jaime Forero-Romero
     128* [ University of Arizona and Steward Observatory] - Buell Jannuzi
     129* [ Anglo-Australian Observatory] - Andrew Sheinis
     130* [ Argonne National Lab] - Salman Habib
     131* [ University of Barcelona] - Francisco Castander
     132* [ University of California, Berkeley] - Michael Levi
     133* [ Observatorio Nacional, Brazil] - Luiz Nicolaci da Costa
     134* [ Brookhaven National Lab] - Anze Slosar
     135* [ CEA-Saclay] - Christophe Yeche
     136* [ Carnegie Mellon University] - Shirley Ho
     137* [ Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille] - Anne Ealet
     138* [ Marseille Universite] - Jean-Gabriel Cuby
     139* [ Cornell University] - Rachel Bean
     140* [ University of Durham] - Jeremy Allington-Smith
     141* [ University of Edinburgh] - John Peacock
     142* [ Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL] - Jean-Paul Kneib
     143* [ ETH Zurich] - Alexandre Refregier
     144* [ Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory] - Brenna Flaugher
     145* [ University of Goettingen] - Jens Niemeyer
     146* [ Harvard University] - Daniel Eisenstein
     147* [ University of California, Irvine] - David Kirkby
     148* [ University of Kansas] - Gregory Rudnick
     149* [ Kansas State University] - Bharat Ratra
     150* [ Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute] - Yong-Seon Song
     151* [ Korea Institute for Advanced Study] - Changbom Park
     152* [ Lawrence Berkeley National Lab] - David Schlegel
     153* [ Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico] - Axel de la Macorra
     154* [ University of Michigan] - Gregory Tarle
     155* [ National Optical Astronomy Observatory] - Robert Blum
     156* [ New York University] - Michael Blanton
     157* [ University of Pittsburgh] - Jeffrey Newman
     158* [ University of Portsmouth] - Will Percival
     159* [ Ohio State University] - Klaus Honscheid
     160* [ University of California, Santa Cruz] - Constance Rockosi
     161* [ University of Science & Technology] - Zhai Chao
     162* [ Shanghai Astronomical Observatory] - Cheng Li
     163* [ Siena College] - John Moustakas
     164* [ Shanghai Jiao Tong University] - Pengjie Zhang
     165* [ Southern Methodist University] - Robert Kehoe
     166* [ Stanford National Accelerator Lab - Aaron Roodman]
     167* [ University of Madrid] - Francisco Prada
     168* [ Texas A&M University] - Darren Depoy
     169* [ University of Toronto] - Ray Carlberg
     170* [ University of London] - Ofer Lahav
     171* [ University of Utah] - Adam Bolton
     172* [ Washington University at St. Louis] - Jim Buckley
     173* [ University of Wyoming] - Adam Myers
     174* [ Yale University] - Charlie Baltay
    130176== Publications Board ==