Changes between Version 229 and Version 230 of PublicPages/Contacts

Sep 12, 2022 8:28:40 AM (2 years ago)
Gregory Tarle

New WG Chairs list edited September 2022


  • TabularUnified PublicPages/Contacts

    v229 v230  
    4949=== Working Group Leads ===
    5050 * Shadab Alam - Cosmology Simulations WG co-Chair
     51 * Dillon Brout - Transients and Low-redshift Cosmology WG co-Chair
    5152 * Etienne Burtin - Galaxy & Quasar Clustering WG co-Chair
    5253 * Becky Canning - Galaxy & Quasar Physics WG Chair
    5354 * Solene Chabanier - Lyman-alpha Forest WG co-Chair
    54  * Simone Ferraro - Clustering, Clusters & Cross-Correlation WG co-Chair
    55  * Lehman Garrison - Cosmological Simulations WG co-Chair
    56  * Changhoon Hahn - Bright Galaxy Survey WG co-Chair
    57  * Cullan Howlett - Time Domain Science WG co-Chair
     55 * Arnaud de Mattia - Cosmology Parameter Estimation WG co-Chair
     56 * Joe DeRose - Clustering, Clusters & Cross-Correlation WG co-Chair
     57 * Sihan (Sandy) Yuan - Cosmological Simulations WG co-Chair
     58 * Cullan Howlett - Transients and Low-redshift Cosmology WG co-Chair
    5859 * Vid Irsic - Lyman-alpha Forest WG co-Chair
     60 * Mustapha Ishak - Cosmology Parameter Estimation WG co-Chair
    5961 * Stephanie Juneau - Galaxy & Quasar Physics WG co-Chair
     62 * Johannes Ulf Lange - Clustering, Clusters & Cross-Correlation WG co-Chair
    6063 * Alexie Leauthaud - DESI-II WG co-Chair
     64 * Ting Li - Milky Way Survey WG co-Chair
    6165 * Chris Manser - Milky Way Survey WG co-Chair
    62  * Antonella Palmese - Time Domain Science WG co-Chair
    63  * Anand Raichoor - Target Selection WG co-Chair
    64  * Lado Samushia - Galaxy & Quasar Clustering WG co-Chair
    65  * Zackary Slepian - Clustering, Clusters & Cross-Correlation WG interim co-Chair
    66  * Monica Valluri - Milky Way Survey WG co-Chair
     66 * Seshadri Nadathur - Galaxy & Quasar Clustering WG co-Chair
    6767 * Martin White - DESI-II WG co-Chair
    68  * Michael Wilson - Bright Galaxy Survey WG co-Chair
    69  * Christophe Yeche - Target Selection WG co-Chair
    7170=== Key Project Conveners ===