Version 4 (modified by 11 years ago) (diff) | ,
DESI Team and Contacts
Science Committee
- Daniel Eisenstein (co-Spokesperson)
- Risa Wechsler (co-Spokesperson)
- Rachel Bean (Clustering, Clusters & Cross-Correlation WG co-chair)
- Eduardo Rozo (Clustering, Clusters & Cross-Correlation WG co-chair)
- Shirley Ho (Galaxy & Quasar Clustering WG co-chair)
- Nikhil Padmanabhan (Galaxy & Quasar Clustering WG co-chair)
- Xiaohui Fan (Imaging WG co-chair)
- Peter Nugent (Imaging WG co-chair)
- David Kirkby (Ly-a Forest WG co-chair)
- Mat Pieri (Ly-a Forest WG co-chair)
- Peder Norberg (Cosmo Simulation WG co-chair)
- Salman Habib (Cosmo Simulation WG co-chair)
- Stephen Bailey (Pipeline WG co-chair)
- Adam Bolton (Pipeline WG co-chair)
- Kyle Dawson (Survey Design WG co-chair)
- Jeff Newman (Target Selection WG co-chair)
- Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille (Target Selection WG co-chair)
- Richard Kron (Bright Time Committee chair)
- Ben Weaver (Data Distribution Committee co-chair)
- Ex-officio Members
Executive Committee
- Timothy Beers
- Robert Blum
- Daniel Eisenstein
- Brenna Flaugher
- Klaus Honscheid
- Richard Kron
- Ofer Lahav
- Michael Levi
- Natalie Roe
- David Schlegel
- Risa Wechsler
Membership Committee
- Gregory Tarlé (chair)
- Bob Blum
- Eric Linder
- Francisco (Paco) Prada
- Peder Norberg
- Alexandre Refregier
- Yong-Seon Song
- Ex-officio members
- Mike Levi
- Henry Heetderks
- Daniel Eisenstein
- Risa Wechsler
- David Schlegel
- Brenna Flaugher
Institutional Board
- Interim institutional board:
Technical Board
Publications Board
- Ofer Lahav (chair)
Bright Time Committee
- Richard Kron (chair)
- Carlos Allende-Prieto
- Carles Badenes
- Tim Beers
- Ray Carlberg
- Andrew Cooper
- Marla Geha
- Andrew Hopkins
- Chris Miller
- Joan Najita
- Nikhil Padmanabhan
- Connie Rockosi
- Ex-officio member
- Daniel Eisenstein
- Risa Wechsler
Pages linking to PublicPages/Contacts: