
DECam Legacy Survey Principles

PIs : Schlegel & Dey
Survey contacts:

  • Observing lead: Arjun Dey
  • NERSC lead: Peter Nugent
  • NOAO community pipeline lead: Frank Valdes
  • Tractor lead and DESI Imaging Survey Scientist: Dustin Lang
  • Viewer lead: Dustin Lang
  • DR4 run manager: Kaylan Burleigh
  • Photometric calibration lead: Eddie Schlafly
  • WISE lead and moving objects: Aaron Meisner
  • NOAO archive and database liaison: Stephanie Juneau
  • DESI data management: Ben Weaver
  • NERSC liaison: Rollin Thomas
  • Documentation lead and DESI targeting manager: Adam Myers
  • eBOSS target selection: Johan Comparat
  • DECam interfaces: Klaus Honscheid
  • MOSAIC-3 interfaces: David Rabinowitz

Project Goals

The DECam Legacy Survey of the SDSS Equatorial Sky will create a public optical imaging survey to complement the spectroscopic database of SDSS, SDSS-II, SDSS-III/BOSS and the start of SDSS-IV/eBOSS. We will image 6700 deg2 of this footprint in g,r, and z using the DECam instrument at the Blanco 4m telescope. NOAO has committed 64 nights to this project; time will be assigned from 2014B to 2017A. The collaboration is responsible for delivering reduced and calibrated data and catalogs to project Co-Investigators and NOAO and to make these data products publicly available in a timely manner. The PIs are committed to enabling a scientifically productive and open collaboration and aim to provide the data required to support the science cases of Co-Investigators.


Co-Investigators (CoIs) on the proposal are founding members of the collaboration and share responsibility for the success of the DECaLS. CoIs are encouraged to work together on projects of common interest. Students and postdocs working directly with CoIs will be added as CoIs upon request to the PIs. Additional requests for membership (i.e., CoI status) would be expected to bring value to the collaboration, and will be considered on an individual basis. Applicants should submit requests describing their proposed project or collaboration with an existing project. The PIs will consult with leads of posted projects to avoid conflicts with those projects.

Data access

The raw data for this program is immediately public. A set of reductions as laid out in the Data Release Plan will be made public on approximately 3-month timescales, as promised in the approved NOAO program. CoIs will have access to the contents of these releases prior to those releases, with the only restriction that proper citations be included in papers.

Data products, software, analyses, and ancillary data sets produced by any group of CoIs and not included in the Data Release Plan are proprietary to that group, unless and until explicitly shared with other CoIs.

Project announcements

We require that technical and scientific projects and papers be announced on the decam-legacy e-mail list and posted on the Projects page of the wiki. Projects can be proposed only by CoIs and their students and postdocs. The invitation to involve other CoIs is encouraged but not required. The list of CoIs in each project will be maintained on this page.

Projects can include both CoIs and "external participants". An external participant is someone who is not an official CoI but is identified by the project lead as providing value to the project. A project "participant" list (which includes all members of the project, both official CoIs and external participants) should be posted to the wiki and maintained by the project lead.

The e-mail list, wiki, and svn repository will provide collaboration tools for projects. Project titles and abstracts should be posted at least 14 days before a paper on the topic is posted in order to allow for useful contributions from other CoIs.


Technical and scientific publications will be expected to follow the standards of scholarly publications. The standards for AAS journals can be found here:

There is no notion of key projects or “builders” with authorship rights. There is an expectation that authorship be extended to any CoIs and external participants who have contributed to any paper beyond already-published work. Papers must be announced and posted at least 14 days prior to journal submission to allow other CoIs to provide comments and to request authorship when appropriate. Posting of conference proceedings is encouraged.

Getting Access to the wiki

Please see

Pages linking to PublicPages/DecamLegacy/Principles:

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Aug 11, 2017 11:05:21 AM